Laura Haby
Gli elefanti di Annibale - Film - 19min - 2016
presented as part of the exhibition Panorama 18

In a small village near Aquila, the epicentre of an earthquake, in the middle of the mountains, children attentively observe natural phenomena, including the subtle movements of the earth. A strange village that moves, where the rational and irrational cohabit, as in a game. A little girl is the seismograph. She records the natural vibrations of the physical place and at the same time those of her sensible world. A myth, that of Hannibal’s elephants, is still resonant in this region. It explains why the earth here still quakes.
Laura Haby
Lives and works between France and Italy.
Her artistic practice is situated at the crossroads of video art, documentary and cinema. She is interested in narratives and in the intimate spaces of individuals anchored in a territory, in solitude. Her works have been shown in group exhibitions, and projected during the Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin/Madrid at the Palais de Tokyo, but also in Valence in Spain, at Mr. Pink gallery as part of the Screens-digital vidéo création series. In 2014, she won the Félix Sabatier prize for her video Ours (Les nôtres).
All team of movie and of Fresnoy, Mario Côté, João Pedro Rodrigues, Pierre Gaignard, Federica Peyrolo, Elisa Nicoud, Giulia Cirenei, Mireille Curien, André Haby, Julien et Mathieu Ringenbach, the community of Abbateggio (Province of Pescara), Elisabeth Bauer, Giuseppe Di Pierdomenico and the community of Alba Fucens, Massa d'Albe (Province of Aquila).