Léo Pacquelet
Excroissance - Film - 14min - 2015
presented as part of the exhibition Panorama 17

Excroissance (Excrescence) is a short film featuring a man and a woman wandering through a wild seaside landscape. They move slowly through the deserted immensity closed by darkness, and come up to a window offering them a view of a landscape which they head towards, but which remains as remote as ever. Faced with boredom and despair, and frustrated by this inaccessible real, these two characters now travel together towards a fantasy landscape through a mysterious, tumultuous surface located right up close to the shoulder blades of the young man.
This film is sustained by questions about the very essence of a journey. I question the reasons that impel us to leave for a real that is often preformatted and that we think is more accessible if we go faster, when it could be within reach of our steps, inscribed in the slowness of our body, in its fragility and its autonomous power.
The journey as experience would not consist, therefore, in going elsewhere with the notion of a destination, but would result, rather, from a transformation of lived time, a way of taking one’s time in order to regain our faculties of perception so we can live through other realities rather than through the one given to us, against the grain of a world that pushes speed as the one and only value.