Julia Borderie & Eloïse Le Gallo

ÆQUO - Film - 20min - 2023

presented as part of the exhibition Panorama 25


Sonar. On an oceanographic ship, geological bodies of salt and ice emerge from the digital depths of a software program. Frozen waves. They melt and disintegrate in the hands of scientists. Far away, the glaciers are dripping. An alpine horn makes the mountains vibrate.

At the crossroads of cinema, sculpture and science, ÆQUO activates the imagination of geological narratives in a context of climate emergency. Alpine glaciers captured on film and underwater landscapes reconstituted in 3D enter into dialogue. Printed in ice and salt, the data become tangible.

Julia Borderie & Eloïse Le Gallo

Watch the portrait

Born in 1989, Julia Borderie & Éloïse Le Gallo have been a duo since 2016. In an exploratory mode, they approach water as a substance that influences the territories it flows through and the bodies that live in it. Taking a poetic, documentary approach, they make the experience of otherness a condition of artistic creation. The camera eye acts as a catalyst for encounters, while questioning the human gestures that shape materials and territories.
At the heart of a mesh of viewpoints and disciplines (craft techniques, geology, chemistry, marine biology, etc.) and at the crossroads of sculpture and cinema, they are interested in the origin of the materials that form a landscape. Recently, their research has led them to question more specifically the complementarities between learned form and sensitive form, working with scientists on objects generated by their cutting edge technologies.


Le Fresnoy - Studio national des arts contemporains, Tourcoing


Sorbonne Université — Istep - Institut des sciences de la Terre - UPMC — Laboratoire Géosciences Océan — Institut de la mer de Villefranche — Laboratoire d'océanographie de Villefranche — Eliis — Festival Ovni - Objectif Vidéo Nice — Head - Genève


› Scénario : Julia Borderie & Eloïse Le Gallo
› Interprétation : Christian Gorini, Nicolas Perrillat
› Graphisme : Lucas Tortarolo, Stéphanie Girardclos
› Géologue : Claudio Rosenberg
› Image : Aurore Toulon, Victor Zébo
› Montage image : Julia Borderie & Eloïse Le Gallo, Laura Rius Aran
› Montage son : Benjamin Poilane, Mondine Ondin
› Musique : Martin Balmand
› Mixage : Yannick Delmaire
› Accompagnement artistique : Julien Prévieux