Alice Goudon
Un jour avec Cham - Film - 25min - 2019
presented as part of the exhibition Panorama 21

Cham, an impulsive young woman, lets herself get drawn into things. She gets into strange situations, which follow on from each other like mirages interrupted by reality, until the outer limits of reality infiltrate her imagination and plunge her into doubt.
In this film resembling a fantasy story, reality becomes a place where the distinction between beings and things dissolves, a place where bodies are objects.
Trick of the mind? Reality, shadow of the imaginary, disguised ruin.
Alice Goudon
Alice Goudon studied at the Écoles de Beaux-Arts in Toulon and Marseille. She graduated from the École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris in 2018 and continued her studies at Le Fresnoy – Studio national des arts contemporains.
She creates narrative images. In her interdisciplinary artistic practice, she creates assemblages of symbols, colours, materials, forms, objects, bodies, and places. She adapts her work according to the selected medium, which enables her to collaborate on various projects as designer and stage designer.
› Image : Sylvain Briend
› Son : Fabien Delfosse, Ludivine Pelé
› Montage image : Alice Goudon, Fernando Colin Roque
› Montage son : Florent Bourgain, Martin Delzescaux
› Mixage : Martin Delzescaux