Felipe Esparza

Lagon noir - Film - 34min - 2019

presented as part of the exhibition Panorama 21


Help me, my Lord, powerful father of the heavens, at this beautiful moment in time when I ask you, open my Lord, open your charm, so that I can enter into the midst of your spirit, so that I do not move, so that I am moved, and so that I can do whatever I want, at this beautiful moment in time, help me, and raise me up, protect me, bless me my Lord. Raise me up with your great powers, raise me up with your great spirit, raise me up with this beautiful light that you possess, with this beautiful light that never goes out, that will never go out, whatever happens, century after century, you will live eternally in this beautiful light of the sun, which here is luminous and there reflects, at the right times, at the right moments.

Felipe Esparza

Felipe Esparza’s work creates dynamic links and tensions between cinema, the visual arts and video creation. His projects display a marked interest in social content and an exploration of themes such as nature, non-verbal communication, the sacred, its symbolic derivatives and the relationship between image and body and image and truth. He tackles the complex relationship of these themes through visual narratives in which contemporary visual imagination cohabits with archives and local and universal cultural codes, creating metalingual pieces.


Le Fresnoy - Studio national des arts contemporains, Tourcoing


› Montage son, mixage : Yannick Delmaire
› Scénario, montage image : Felipe Esparza
› Image : Fernando Criollo
› Son : Christian Ñeco Bornaz


Marco Garro, Mikel Hoyle, Ana Lucía Pérez, Leonardo Barbuy, Luis Gonzales Palma, Eduardo Zapata, Cindy Coutant, Blandine Tourneux, Béla Tarr, Sebastián Esparza, Walther Esparza, Camila Rodríguez Triana, Blanca Camell Galí, Mili Pecherer, Janaina Wagner, Olivier Sola, Dana Bonilla et Lorena Tulini.