Mili Pecherer
How glorious is to be a human being - Film - 53min - 2018
presented as part of the exhibition Panorama 20

On the vast and empty roads along the Pyrenees,
Two women are marching on a blind pilgrimage.
One is carrying an unborn child in her belly,
The other a huge inflatable haemorrhoid on her back.
They meet a mute donkey with an open gaze.
Can he teach them how to be?
Is Wednesday their lucky day?
Is failure just a springboard toward success?
Are they on the path to massive reassurance or just to a dead end?
A meditation on worries and the impossibility of living without them.
Mili Pecherer
After wandering for thousands of years, two immigrants from France and the USSR settled in the Promised Land. Mili Pecherer was born from their love in 1988.
Mili chose to rediscover her nomadic roots and since then her soul has travelled down big paths, equipped with a little camera. She sporadically documents her encounters with people (and other animals) in their apparently banal everyday lives, then turns them into films.
Good, almost banal and almost films.
Monique et Isi Jutrin, Peter et Maggie Bicknell, Jean-Michel Agasse, Thierry et Marie Hachet, Penny et Julien Baker, Eliav, Grazia Tricarico, Maia Flore, René Clémencic, Johanna Trabitsch, Valérie Del-haye