Riccardo Giacconi
Piuccheperfetto - Film - 52min - 2018
presented as part of the exhibition Panorama 20

Antonio: « Connaissez vous les belles sociétés où tout est parfait, tout est libre, tout le monde va bien ? Eh bien, je suis le contraire : je suis la dystopie. Dystopie. »
Antonio: "Do you know those beautiful societies where all is perfect, all is free, where everyone is great? Well, I am the opposite: I am dystopia. Dystopia."
Antonio: "Sapete quelle società dove tutto è perfetto, tutto è gratis, tutti stanno bene? Ecco, io sono l'opposto: io sono la distopia. Distopia."
Riccardo Giacconi
Riccardo Giacconi, born in 1985 in Italy, studied at iuav University in Venice. He has been artist in residence at the International Centre of Art and Landscape in Vassivière (France), the macro in Rome, la Box in Bourges (France) and at Lugar a Dudas in Cali (Colombia). He has shown his films at several festivals, including Critics’ Week at the Mostra in Venice, the New York Film Festival, the International Film Festival in Rotterdam and the fid in Marseille, where he won the Grand Prix de la Compétition internationale in 2015.
Chiara Caterina, Massimo De Nardo, Daniel Dobbels, Alessandra Domizi, Cesare Domizi, Carla Domizi, Danila Domizi, Guido Giacconi, Guglielmo Giacconi, Giulia Marzin, Andrea Morbio, Emma Scinti Roger, Marco Scinti Roger, Maria Clara Romano, Julie Vacher, Madeleine Van Doren, Yohei Yamakado, Carolina Valencia.