Thiago Antonio
Titre - Film - 21min - 2018
presented as part of the exhibition Panorama 20

Title is the process of shooting a film. A search for a form of language, a hesitation via different questions in relation to representation and fiction.
The freely unfolding narrative of this film presents a succession of sequences like phrases or verses that form images and words which sometimes give way to light and music.
Humour and surrealism become a narrative resource that makes it possible to compensate for the inevitable loss of the contents of the story when this is confronted with the reality of narrative.
The lack of a title and the first scene with its reference to the preface of Don Quixote make the metalinguistic nature of the film evident from the outset, as do the numerous quotations from poets, filmmakers and artists that follow. The main character is constantly delaying the film in order to do things he enjoys, experimenting cinema on a path of attempts and discoveries and constructing an ending that escapes him.
Thiago Antonio
Thiago Antonio was born in in Rio de Janeiro in 1988. His training in cinema and his interest in poetry and literature led his work towards the visual and digital arts and the creation of visual poems and videos. In his “Videolivros” series he positions himself as a character, speaking in the first person singular by inserting texts and images from his personal archives constructed on the basis of his movements. Listening and empathy are at the heart of his work.