Marissa Viani Serrano
La création de Dieu - Installation - 2017
presented as part of the exhibition panorama 19

As I said at first, when all things were in disorder God created in each thing in relation to itself, and in all things in relation to each other, all the measures and harmonies which they could possibly receive. For in those days nothing had any proportion except by accident; nor did any of the things which now have names deserve to be named at all – as for, example, fire, water and the rest of the elements. All these the creator first set in order, and out of them he constructed the universe, which was a single animal comprehending in itself all other animals, mortal and immortal. Now of the divine, he was himself the creator, but the creation of the mortal he committed to his offspring. Platon, Timaeus c.360 BC.
Marissa Viani Serrano
Marissa Viani is a Mexican artist based between France and Mexico. After her studies in literature and philosophy, she began a career in cinema and graduated from the CCC of Mexico in 2013. She furthered her education at the ENSAD in Paris where she graduated in 2015. As a director, she has made several fictional, documentary and experimental short films that have been shown in many film festivals and visual art exhibitions worldwide. She also works as a producer, editor, assistant director and script girl in the cinema, television and advertising.