Thibaud Le Maguer
(à) partir / Pièce chorégraphique et lumineuse - Performance - 2017
presented as part of the exhibition panorama 19

(à) partir brings together a group of individuals
around an everyday action: walking. A rather
peculiar walk nevertheless in that it does not
aim to reach a given place.
All that remains is dynamism, an élan, a “going
towards” and the opportunity as a group to enact
a live circulatory action.
This performance is comprised of a dizzying
visual experience in which three people driven
by a collective force are pursued by an
arrangement of lights into which they intrude
and through which they move. The tension set up
between the dancers’ bodies and the interactive
stage mechanism causes the programmed
activity of the lights to dysfunction. The space
draws tighter around their bodies, transforming
them until they seem to jettison their corporality
completely. Perspectives flip-flop and shortcircuit.
Disordered, our impressions unsettle our
sensations, increasing the perceptive confusion
into which the piece plunges us.
Thibaud Le Maguer
2010 Fondation Royaumont Transforme,
la perception
2000 CCN de Montpellier ex.e.r.ce
1999 CNSMD Lyon
2015 Le Merlan, Scène Nationale, Festival Parallèle, Komm’N’act, Marseille Le Vivat, Scène conventionnée danse et théâtre, Armentières Le Gymnase, Centre de Développement Chorégraphique, Les danses à l’endroit, Roubaix Ballet du Nord - Olivier Dubois, Centre Chorégraphique National, Jouvence, Roubaix
2014 Le Vivat, Scène conventionnée danse et théâtre, Festival Vivat la Danse !, Armentières FRAC Dunkerque L’Arsenal, Scène Nationale, Festival Avent Scène, Metz
2013 Le Vivat, Scène conventionnée danse et théâtre, Festival Vivat la danse !, Armentières Bikini test, Festival Les Amplitudes, La Chaux de Fonds Suisse Les Subsistances, Laboratoire international de recherche et de création artistique, « ça tremble », Lyon Espace Pasolini, Les instants magnétiques, Valenciennes