Carolina Saquel
Un portrait peut avoir un fond neutre - Installation - 2005
presented as part of the exhibition Panorama 6

The referencial images in the origin of this project of video installation, come from Painting. Landscapes related to portraits in foreground,in which those appeared always in the background as statics, as stills.The disquieting “line behind” of the flemish paintings ,as an schematical conception of space and context. Idea linked to the horizon,the perspective, the notion of distance, the shape of things of the world, the model imposed to see, always from a point of view fix, estable. Upon that reference, I decided to shoot in the high sea over a arrested boat,the images of the sea horizon, so as to record the movement of a line that we suppose,- or better, we know-, as fix and stable. Although, that line oscillate and fractures.It moves. And in movement, the space is conceived in another way. So the objects of the world,so the landscape, the space, the things,would organize upon that fact. Along the images are developped in the video secuence, the sonore band remains as an abstraction,and not directly related to what is seen. It is supported,from time to time, by a woman’s voice that says a text. Much more than the content of it, is the way of speaking,- the regularity, the tonality, the rythm-, which connects to the images and their movements,allowing other path to presence the work. In the basis of my reflexion is the relative idea of stability/unstability that exists in all relation between an observer and the object of observation, to put in question the suposition that we always see upon a strong platform and to see how that line,in movement ,works out inside the frame of the image.
Carolina Saquel
Born in 1970, in Concepción, Chile. School of Arts ,Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Lives and works in Tourcoing, France.
Selection of important exhibitions 2005, I LOVE ART VIDEO, 6éme édition curated by Antoni Muntadas. Musée d’art Modern et Contemporain of Strasbourg, France. 2004, Carte blanche á Catherine Millet, Paris Tout Court, Paris, France. 2004, Mediaschool Lodz film festival, Lodz, Polland. 2004, PILOT 1, Limehouse Townhall, Londres, Inglaterra. 2004, Festival International du Film de La Rochelle, la Rochelle, France.
Ives Decalf, Laurant Clion of Ecole de Voile “La Bouée Rouge” (Dunquerke), Paul Jansen, Alain Buffard, Armando Menicacci,Eric Prigent, Emily Godreuil, Christoph Kihm, Madeleine Van Doren, Derek Humphreys, Florent Le Duc, Massimiliano Simbula, my friends and staff of Fresnoy