Jéro Yun
Red road - Film - 2010
presented as part of the exhibition Panorama 12

The film Red road consists in a dream that has assailed me regularly at night since my birth. I left Korea to come to France for the first time. A month later, my bike was hit by a car, throwing me two meters into the air. That day, I did not die. My eyes were able to transmit to my brain what they saw. It happened very quickly. My brain did not have the time to be "conscious" at the moment of impact between the car, my bike and me. I was on the ground, without even realising that my skull was covered with blood, without really understanding what had happened. That night, I had a dream. Through this dream, I could finally "see" what had happened, as if my eyes (or my brain rather) had memorised the images. A bike... a red light... a car... a noise of braking I had already heard. It was an extremely piercing sound, an unbearable noise, which resounded for a long time in my head, day and night. A few years later, I dreamt of this accident again. It was like a sort of reconciliation! But this time, the dream was very different, a sort of Surrealist metaphor. I felt strange when I woke up. I immediately understood that this dream represented my accident. When the accident happened, my brain did not really have the time to analyse nor understand what had actually happened. But afterwards, with these dreams, a sort of reminiscence was taking place in my brain which enabled it to express a posteriori, and in abstract fashion, the feelings, sensations produced by the accident. Talking of fear, of death, through a personal dream, I wanted above all to express the feeling of a passage towards to an unknown world where we will probably all go...