Manon Le Roy
Eleven - Film - 2010
presented as part of the exhibition Panorama 12

This film leads us to observe the slow procession of immerged bodies towards a sort of latent assembly. Men, women, a young girl, an old lady ceremoniously compose, in their looks, attitudes and gestures, a space of visions, support and memory. The development of this project is part of my research on the exploration of the imaginary and fantastical possibilities of the body and movement in water. This immersion characteristic of all of my work led me to make my two earlier films, Préludes and Continuum, that present bodies dominated or carried by an entirely liquid environment.
Manon Le Roy
Manon Le Roy is a video artist who creates experimental choreographic work in which she films human bodies immersed in water, in the form of video films and installations.
Born in France, she graduated from the University of Haute Bretagne (2005, master's degree in Plastic Arts) and the Fine Arts College of Rennes (2006, master's degree DNSEP Art). From 2008 to 2010 she did a two-year post-graduate residency in Video & New Media at Le Fresnoy - National Studio of Contemporary Arts where she directed the videos Continuum and Eleven.
Her work has been shown at international film festivals and in contemporary art spaces, such as the Lisbon International Independent Film Festival IndieLisboa (2010); the Videoformes Festival (2011); the Villa Méditerranée (2013) in Marseille; the Palais de Tokyo (2012), the Centre Pompidou (2009) and the Grand Palais (2008) in Paris; the EYE Film Institute Netherlands (2014) in Amsterdam.
In 2011 Continuum received the first prize at the International Festival of Videodance Il Coreografo Elettronico of Naples and the Barcelona videodance prize at the IDN - Image, Dance and New Media Festival of Barcelona.