Hee Won Lee
108 - Installation - 2010
presented as part of the exhibition Panorama 12

«108 is a sound and video installation. The image is formed from the movement of letters giving a purely typographic film. The sound is acoustic, produced by musical boxes (108 in all). Each typographic character corresponds to a note of music. Thus words and phrases accompanied by sounds appear on the screen in a random orchestration. The whole installation is run by software, both the control panel and the database. With a concrete, almost documentary theme, that of abandoned or orphaned children, I approach an important factor of society. I am interested in these children, in the little place they are given, and would like to open up a window, a visible space through this work. Give them a way of expressing themselves in our lives. The installation makes the spectators anxious and there is a certain violence (with the presence and working of all these musical boxes), but also in the extreme fragility of the device and the subject addressed.»