Simon Leibovitz-Grzeszczak
Bismarck, Sledztwo, Graue Kluster - Installation - 2011
presented as part of the exhibition Panorama 13

The world has been demolished, broken up, destroyed. But this destruction has been done badly; like everything else, it has failed. What is left: remains, survivors, monsters. The remnants of ambient forces and shapes weave a Kabbalah that is similar to what is woven in the o of the word “stösst”, or any other. It is an investigation (sledztwo) thus a herring (sledz). It is a red herring. He wails “Glues” and carries on the great grotesque confusion of the devil.
The vampire invites itself, master of space and the space is a fish which devours another. Its name: unpronounceable but it has great power; it shows, offers an image at the price of one more little apocalypse (he collects them like certain actors their mistress’ excrement). He reigns in the Beetween, like a net where all those who jump out of the rank of assassins gather. If he is clever, the poor condemned man has understood that the images are double. If he deserves it, he will come back. In human form.