Eszter Szabó
L'anatomie du troupeau - Installation - 2015
presented as part of the exhibition Panorama 17

The Anatomy of The Flock comprises a video installation and a lenticular image, a series of work inspired by certain contemporary political and sociological phenomena. The emphasis is on the reasons and the mechanisms behind the notion of "willing to believe". It is an exploration of the infantile character that is -besides other issues - the cause and also the result of the paternalist government in Hungary. (In 2012 Hungary’s former finance minister, György Matolcsy, stated that the future of Hungary would be a “fairy tale”).
The video installation is a looped animation. It is composed of several scenes. The background is created in 3D with textures of photos of real estate advertisements that were downloaded from the internet. The protagonists are painted figures who represent hypothetical inhabitants of the places, imagined in their environment. It is about detecting the weary unconcern and the fatigue of people who are surrounding themselves with "happy and beautiful" objects.
The lenticular image gets animated when the viewer moves in front of it. The image is created by a mixture of 3D techniques and painting. It is a research on people in a crowd waiting for miracles to happen. A quest to discover traces of bewitchment or disenchantment, a vague hope of a better life.
Eszter Szabó
2000-2006 Hungarian University
of Fine Arts (MKE), Painting Faculty,
Budapest, Hungary
2014 AC Institute 179. New York, USA
2013 Ludwig Museum « Leopold Bloom
Art Award », Budapest, Hungary
2012 Manhattan Bridge, « Codex
Dynamic », New York, USA
2010 FIAC (Videospace Gallery),
« C’est combien le kilo ? », Paris
Glowing Bulbs (, Bálint Benkovits, Tamás Zádor, Manon de Boer, Daniel Dobbels, Massimiliano Simbula, Sébastien Cabour, Martin Delzescaux, Barbara Merlier, Madeleine Van Doren