Iván Castiñeiras Gallego

Où est la jungle ? - Film - 33min - 2015

présenté dans le cadre de l'exposition Panorama 17


The city spreads and devours the jungle. At the same time, the city’s ruins host another jungle, a veritable internal memory. The question of the frontier arises. What delimits one space from the other?

Iván Castiñeiras Gallego

Born in 1980 in Galicia, Spain, he obtained a Degree in History of Art at the University of Santiago de Compostela (U.S.C.), and in Direction at the National School of Cinema in Portugal (E.S.T.C.). His work as a filmmaker is halfway between documentary and fiction, tackling issues such as territory, the memory, geographical borders and their associated socio-political issues.

His work achieved success in international festivals such as Edinburgh Film Festival, Doc Lisboa, L´Alternativa amongst others.

He lives and works in Barcelona. Currently he is developing new projects in Le Fresnoy -Studio national des arts contemporains.


Le Fresnoy - Studio national des arts contemporains, Tourcoing