Ludivine Sibelle

Burn out - Installation - 2014

présentée dans le cadre de l'exposition Panorama 16


Burn Out is a project which consists in engaging a machine in a sacrificial ritual, based on primitive rites, through the experience of the representation of a complex system. The machine, based on the principle of the 3D printer, attempts to sculpt a block of salt by means of methodical erosion, and is thus exposed to an environment whose evolution it cannot precisely predict. The experience offered through this installation is that of an accidental encounter between science, technology and magic. For the viewer, it is about accepting the insignificance of changes that are invisible to the naked eye, just as we accept not being able to see what goes on when we are asleep.

Ludivine Sibelle


Christian Laroche pour la conception et la réalisation, Robert Henke, David De Beyter et Elisabeth Caravella.


Le Fresnoy - Studio national des arts contemporains, Tourcoing