Raphaël Holt
Âtman - Installation - 2014
presented as part of the exhibition Panorama 16

Âtman is a performance that resides at the intersection of the neurosciences and dance. Using electro-encephalographic technology, a performer’s brain waves are translated into sound waves in real time. The performer is joined by a dancer, and the duo evolves, exploring the question of the Other. “This project is a piece of research about being, about presence and about encounter. We found inspiration in the practice of yoga, butoh and Ma as we immersed ourselves in a discovery of movement and immobility. Modified states of consciousness as well as meditation were fully part of the research from the outset. We were searching for an experience that was at once intimate and widely shared. This universal essence, Âtman written in Sanskrit, is the subject of this piece. We offer an experience, an invitation to see the invisible. It was asked of the performers to address a simple and complex truth, which can be called presence. To be in the present and to be present. This, being a means to cast light on the forgotten, on the things that reside in the invisible. It began with this desire to listen to the intimate music of the mind, of the body at work. For both spectator and performer, the hope is to resonate in concert with one another, in the sense that matter itself resonates, collectively and individually, within acoustic forms that extend the space of this experience.”
Pour leur accompagnement neurohack.cc tmplab Blackboxe La Paillasse myBrain Technologies
Pour leur soutien particulier Robert Henke Slawek Staworko François Cabestaing
Pour leur présence, temps et énergie bienveillante Louise Kalfon Armand Ahmadi François Lozes Nicolas Verhaeghe Julia Stern Romain Baujard Arash Nassiri Yasmina Benari Elisabeth Boisson Ludivine Sibelle Alexis de Raphelis Paul Guilbert Gabriel Beckinger Alice Furtado Barbara Palomino Faye Mullen Joël Curtz Alisha Molter
Sans lesquels nous n’aurions pu réussir Fanny Lecendre Kostia Petit Charlotte de Mezamat Fabien Ducommun Jean-Baptiste Martini Rosalie Kauffmann Cécile Picard Angèle Gohaud Aina Alegre Natalie Holt Véronique Murillo Didier Scohier Olivier Holt Elaine Holt Deborah Holt Jérome Vincent
Pour leur aide au sein du Fresnoy Daniel Dobbels Madeleine Vandoren Francis Bras Jacky Lautem Guylaine Huet Eric Prigent Valérie Delhaye Blandine Tourneux Guillaume Libersat Cyprien Quairat Sébastien Cabour Pierre Delattre Thierry Maes Cécile Carpentier ainsi que toute l'équipe du Fresnoy
Pour avoir accompagné ce projet Fabien Lotte Yohan Attal Thibaud Dumas Guillaume Dumas Yannick Wamain Jean-Philippe Lachaux Karim Jerbi Julien Castet Alexandre Barachant Marco Congedo Laurent Grisoni Laurent Bougrain Timotheus Tomicek Clarisse Bardiot Biliana Fouilhoux Asaf Bachrach