Gabriel Beckinger

(un)steady - Installation - 2014

présentée dans le cadre de l'exposition Panorama 16


(un)STEADY contains the construction of a choreographic proposal. The site-specific installation reveals three projection surfaces, activated by the work of mixing the images, texts and sound materials, which engender the deployment of a multi-referential space in three dimensions. The tools that are cinema and choreography are articulated together to dialogue with architecture in a unique setting, the context, simultaneously, of production, editing and exhibition: the space of Le Fresnoy. From one screen to another, there is a shift from the technical to the poetic, danced action. The triptych is a detailed study of bodies acting in space: what do we see in a cinema body at work, trained in the special technique of steadicam when it films architecture, when it is itself filmed? The steadicammer is seen in turns as a body-machine, a ghostly presence, an organic presence, an imaginary power and a performer. The mechanics are constantly redrawn thanks to a parametric and open-ended editing, which works on the different materials in the body. The visitor is thus able to grasp fragments of narratives by moving through the installation. Beyond the video-dance genre and the usual links between dance and cinema, here the choreographic prism allows us to enter a kinaesthetic approach which breaks up actions and spaces, reflecting the reality of bodies shaped and fragmented by incorporated know-hows. A kaleidoscope of corpo realities at work. Marie Pons

Gabriel Beckinger


Christophe Wavelet, Rodo Tisnado, Téva Vasseur, Thibaud le Maguer, Guillaume Brault, Pierrick Saillant, Samuel Allain, Marie, Noémie, Louise, Raphaël, Faye, Lawand, Marie-Claude, Patricia, Yacine, et à toute l’équipe du Fresnoy.


Le Fresnoy - Studio national des arts contemporains, Tourcoing