Justine Pluvinage
Mollusques - Film - 2014
presented as part of the exhibition Panorama 16

The name mollusc comes from the Latin mollis, meaning “soft.” The soft bodies of these animals are unsegmented and often wholly or completely protected by a shell. Between the mantle and viscera is the mantle cavity, which contains the gills, anus and genital conduits. Mollusques, the film by Justine Pluvinage, was inspired by a true story. It is set inside a hut somewhere on the dunes of northern France, a story of mores and score-settling. A man intrudes into the peaceful life of a family and brings to the surface an unspoken tragedy, a taboo known to all. The demons of the past are roused, creating unease. What should they do with this man? In this fiction short, the artist addresses her favoured themes of trauma, secrecy, resilience, and emancipation. In Mollusques the darkness of tragedy is combined with humour and humanism, and invites us to examine our own moral precepts in the light of the behaviour of this “monster.” Philémon Vanorlé
Justine Pluvinage
Mollusques a été réalisé grâce au précieux soutien financier de :
Evaïne Agré, Sylvain Blond, Vanessa Bernard-Karton, Fabrice Calcoen, Quentin Carbonell, Fanny Corman, Florence Defasque, Matthieu Delcroix, Anaïs Delmoitiez, Maggie Deleglise, Franck Demailly, Cécile Depraetere, Fanny Derrier, Gaëtan Desombre, Amélie Dubois-Rehn, Laurie Dufetel, Gaëlle Fraysse, Joseph Drouet, Mathieu Frackowiak, Noémie Gantier, Julia Gil, Véronique Gusatto, Léa Habourdin, Mathieu Jedrazak, Bruno Lajara, Marion Lambert, Simon Lambert, David Laurie, Charlotte Lenoir, Delphine & Christophe Lermite-Gregorio, Pénélope Liagre, Yann Linsart, Tom Linton, Corinne Masiero, Stan Meranger, Christelle Nicod, Sabine Oberti, Thomas Piasecki, Bertrand Pluvinage, Germain Pluvinage, Marion Pluvinage, Sebastien Prebois, Julien Puyau, Nicolas Quenson, Marie-Claire et Dominik Richard-Multeau, Fabienne Rigaut Jean-Pierre Rigaut, Laurent Rondeau, Jiem Saucisse, Emilie & Baudouin Spas, Annick Sterkendries, Nicolas Turquet, Stéphanie et Jérôme Traisnel, Julien Vandenbulcke, Maxence Vandevelde, Clémentine Vanlerberghe, Philémon Vanorlé, Arnaud Verley, Léonie Young.
Je remercie toutes ces personnes du fond du cœur.