Daphné Hérétakis
Archipels, granites dénudés - Film - 2014
presented as part of the exhibition Panorama 16

This time I chose film so as not to have to face reality. I felt it from the first days of the shoot, in Greece. Impossible to face it. Carry the camera on the left, on the right, a bit higher, a bit lower? The light blinds me. I rub my eyes. How do you get a body, a landscape, into the frame? I feel I too am mutilating these bodies, enslaving them. And yet, wasn’t this film a dream of unchaining? “The awakening, the fury and the vengeance of the Caryatids,” said Victor Hugo. We’ll take the revolution! But we’re there, and we’re waiting. Gin and tonic and cucumber. Gin and tonic and cucumber. Straight Gin. “I want to kiss you,” my friend tells the dj. “Me too,” he replies. But they don’t kiss. Sometimes, an act is enough. I read somewhere that salvation is in the fall.
Merci de tout cœur aux amis, aux passants, aux habitants de Schinoussa, à toute l’équipe du Fresnoy, au Musée Archéologique d’Athènes et ses belles statues, ainsi qu’à tous ceux qui ont permis au film de voir le jour grâce à leur participation et à leur inestimable soutien.