Nicola Baratto
Dew Point - Film - 15min - 2024
presented as part of the exhibition Panorama 26

Dew Point is an experimental sci-fi film inspired by dream incubation rituals and the ancient practice of dew harvesting. Building its poetics on an enigmatic alchemical treatise, the film fabulates on a person who experiences a form of amnesia after having a terrifying nightmare. His mind is so fogged that he cannot remember anything past and cannot create new memories. As he finds himself in a mysterious Sleep & Memory lab a young doctor attempts to cure him through a magical curative water. In a trance-like state, the doctor guides the patient towards the top of an arid mountain where ‘fog catchers’ transform mist into water droplets. To re-orient his mnemonic, psychological and spiritual states of being, a transformation of matter is required, and the patient must distil the fog through the act of dew harvesting.
Nicola Baratto
Nicola Baratto (IT, 1989) is a multidisciplinary artist living and working between Amsterdam and Lille. Working with film, video, sculpture and installation, Nicola’s practice develops through research on dreaming, poetry, memory and historical imagination. He is half of the artist duo Baratto & Mouravas, whose Archaeodreaming method explores the overlaps between archaeological research and mythmaking. Nicola is an alumni of the Dirty Art Department and former research fellow of the Sandberg Instituut. He received international grants such as the Mondriaan fund (NL) and the ‘Italian Council’ of the Italian Ministry of Culture. Recent shows include A Rave Down Below, Eleusis European Capital of Culture, Elefsina GR; 2012 Never Happened, In Debt, Amsterdam NL; Prospects and Concepts, Art Rotterdam, Rotterdam NL.
› Cheffe opératrice, directeur de la photographie : Aurore Toulon
› Actrice : Magdalena Mitterhofer
› Acteurice : Maziar Firouzi
› Figuration : Achref Toumi, Alan Affichard, Amer Albarzawi, Brieuc Schieb, Milon Anthedemos
› Assistants réalisateur : Hala Namer, Maëlle Tocaben
› Assistant caméraman : Leonardo Ruvolo, Lucas Plançon
› Électricien prise de vue : Benoit Lancial
› Preneur de son : Abdourrahman Benaroub, Andres G. Vidal
› Costumier : G. & G. Nordio
› Directeur·trice·s artistiques : Maëlle Tocaben, Nicola Baratto
› Producteur délégué : Leonardo Ruvolo
› Superviseur du scénario : Aleksandre Zharaya
› Producteur : Alia Belgsir
› Consultant scientifique : Corey Andrews, Jamila Bargach
› Montage image : Leone Maria Kervischer, Nicola Baratto
› Musique originale : Circular Ruins
› Montage son : Luc Aureille
› Bruitage : Francesco G. Gagliardi
› Mixage son : Tom Nollet
› Étalonnage : Aurore Toulon, Nicola Baratto