Chloé Wasp

How It Begins - Film - 12min - 2024

presented as part of the exhibition Panorama 26

How It Begins is a gradual immersion in the flames, following in the footsteps of a firewoman who is preventively burning forest in North Carolina in order both to regenerate the land and avert devastating wild blazes. In this immersive ambulation, the act of setting fire becomes an intimate and direct experience of the elements.

Chloé Wasp

Born in Vitry-sur-Seine in 1990, lives in Lille. 

After studies at Beaux-Arts and in psychology, she graduated from the École nationale supérieure de la photographie d’Arles in 2019. Her entire approach revolves around sensory experience. As a photographer and filmmaker, she focuses mainly on altered states of consciousness, optical disorders and the relationships between humans, animals and plants.


Le Fresnoy - Studio national des arts contemporains, Tourcoing


› Réalisation, image : Chloé Wasp
› Prise de son, montage son : Arno Ledoux
› Montage image : Carla Biays
› Mixage : Clément Decaudin
› Étalonnage : Pauline Penichout
› Musique : Ivann Cruz