Brieuc Schieb
486 - Film - 24min - 2024
presented as part of the exhibition Panorama 26

The year is 486. Clovis, Chataîgne and Mérovée leave home in search of new horizons. They meet Titus and Lucius, two legionaries who have survived the fall of the Roman Empire.
Freely adapted from the story of the vase of Soissons, 486revisits the era of King Clovis by hijacking the imaginary world associated with the French national legend.
Brieuc Schieb
Born in Nantes in 1995, Brieuc Schieb studied aesthetics and cinema at the Sorbonne before going on to the Arts Décoratifs school in Paris. In 2019, he directed La Tourbière, which premiered at the FID Marseille and was shown at the Cinémathèque française and the Centre Pompidou. Koban Louzoù, his second film, was released in cinemas in January 2024 after winning the Grand Prize at Entrevues Belfort and Côté Court Paris.
› Référent·e interprètes : Oélia Gouret
› Cadre : Marie Ward, Victor Zébo
› Son : Ryo Baldet, Solenn Desfarges
› Directrice artistique : Elen Hallégouët
› Mise en scène : David Camarou
› Montage : Charlotte Cherici
› Chargé.e de production : Estelle Benazet
› Accompagnement artistique : Véréna Paravel
› Aide à l’écriture : Quentin Faucheux
› Recherche iconographique : Lara Hirzel
› Directeur de la photographie : Victor Zébo
› Assistant caméra : Titouan Penthier
› Lumière : Alice Brunnquell, Benjamin Goubet
› Costumes : Constance Tabourga, Farès Hadj-Sadok, Hoël Blanchard
› Décors & accessoires : Angèle Tuizzat, Elen Hallégouët, Jeanne Dekonink, Jeanne Gilbert
› Conception de la potion : Mathis Perron
› Régie : Elsa Colin Benac, Sofiane Tali
› Catering : Jean-Baptiste Schieb, Nathalie Schieb
› Montage son, mixage : Ryo Baldet
› Chant : Laura Trance, Tommy Moisi
› Musique : Coil
› Étalonnage : Aurore Toulon
› 3d : Hugo Richel
› Graphisme : Roméo Aberge