Benoit Martin
Per non dormire! - Installation - 2024
presented as part of the exhibition Panorama 26

It seems that intimacy is now being commodified and devalued. There are over 100 billion connected objects in the world, tracking every piece of data on the assumption that intimacy is quantifiable, that everything has meaning and that data tells the truth. The result is the negation of tormented, open, gaping, oceanic intimacy and the injunction to personal happiness. Intimacy carries within it the trace of a total, almost sacred relationship with the other, and then it becomes what separates and what refuses to accept the omnipotence of the other. It is the possibility of a border, an irreducible boundary between self and other, who becomes different. This awareness of otherness will also become awareness of the possibility of the subject in its most radical sense.
Benoit Martin
Benoit Martin was born in Paris in 1988. He studied cinema at Rennes 2 University and worked as an editor before enrolling at Le Fresnoy – Studio national des arts contemporains. At the same time, he made a number of films in various genres and formats, experimenting with combinations of personal images – fictional or documentary – and found footage. As a musician, he composes with acoustic and electric instruments that he makes himself, hybridising digital and analogue recording techniques.
› Accompagnement artistique, montage son : Roque Rivas
› Montage, mixage son : Tom Nollet
› Directeur de la photographie : Sylvain Briend
› Chargé de production : Stéphane Smogor
› Seconde caméra, chef électricien : David Wojtkowiak
› Comédienne : Rebecca Vaissermann
› Comédien : Louis De Villers
› Référent vfx : Pierre-Yves Boisramé