Quentin L'helgoualc'h

Molecular Delusions - Film - 20min - 2023

presented as part of the exhibition Panorama 25


Kika spends a night collecting audio recordings of orgasms. The acoustic phenomena generated by this hypnotic trance reveal the form that had remained hidden in the shadows.

Quentin L'helgoualc'h

Quentin L'helgoualc'h works across several media: sculpture, film, drawing and installation, and, in parallel with his artistic research, produces works conceived and produced with the in extremis collective, such as the installation Chopped and Screwed, and the performance PM-10. Following his first short film Marlowe drive (2017), he directed a documentary immersed in virtual spaces, in collaboration with video artists Ekiem Barbier and Guilhem Causse (Knit's Island). In 2020 he made Les Neiges électriques.


Le Fresnoy - Studio national des arts contemporains, Tourcoing


› Scénario, montage image : Quentin L'helgoualc'h
› Interprétation : Regina Demina, Victor Villafagne, Yann Gourdon
› Image : Hélène Motteau
› Son, montage son : Raphaël Zucconi
› Mixage : Lorenzo Targhetta
› Effets spéciaux : David Rodes
› Accompagnement artistique : Julien Prévieux