Gonçalo Lamas
Andromaq - Film - 30min - 2023
presented as part of the exhibition Panorama 25

Once upon a spring, there were telescopes stuck to the ground, looking out for dying stars. Young Astyanax was there, in the cold heights of the oracle, headphones on as ever, listening to a broadcast from afar. One year after the war in Troy. We listen along to the story of a king in love with a queen whose man and country his sword slayed. A chain of dialogues where desire mocks political duty.
Gonçalo Lamas is a writer, artist and filmmaker, born in Porto. After briefly studying film, he joined the BA Fine Art 4D at Central Saint Martins, graduating in 2017. Halfway through, he spent a semester at Universität der Künste Berlin, with Hito Steyerl’s class. In 2020, he produced the performance Boeing No 737-800 in F#m, presented at Culturgest Porto. An accompanying book was launched at the 6th Artist Self-Publishers Fair in London. His first film, Granary Squares, premiered in national competition at the 2021 edition of IndieLisboa. In 2022, Glasgow-based SPAM Press edited his poetry pamphlet some times zero hours.
› Interprétation : Leonor Coelho, Léo Landon Barret, Mickäel Pelissier, Nat Marcus, Nelle Gevers, Tadeu Filipe
› Image : Arnaud Alberola
› Montage image, montage son : Gonçalo Lamas
› Son : Raphaël Zucconi
› Mixage : Martin Delzescaux
› Accompagnement artistique : Patric Chiha
› Assistant réalisation : Aleksandre Zhakarya, Madalena Fragoso
› Régie, chauffeur : Pedro Martins
› Guide de haute montagne : René Sarrazin
› Bruitage : Christophe Burdet
› Sound design : Niamké Désiré
› Étalonnage : Arnaud Alberola, Pedro Antunes