Charlotte Pouyaud

Partners in Crime - Film - 17min - 2023

presented as part of the exhibition Panorama 25


Partners in Crime was inspired by a case that happened in my town more than twenty years ago, when the hippopotamus in the town's zoo ---the director's favourite animal ---killed him out of jealousy for a tractor he had just bought. This extraordinary tragedy prompted me to scratch beneath the surface of the anecdote to discover its mythological potential : what if the story of this hippopotamus could be related to the biblical stories, what if it was a modern-day figure of Leviathan or Behemoth? In this CGI film, the hippopotamus evolves in a world of darkness and mist, and tells us about the tragedy of its life.

Charlotte Pouyaud

Watch the portrait

Born in Massy in 1995, Charlotte Pouyaud lives and works in Bordeaux. Holder of a degree in philosophy, she makes fiction films in which she stages certain news items, historical events or current affairs, using the potential of drama to unpack them, most often in a tragicomic register.


Le Fresnoy - Studio national des arts contemporains, Tourcoing


› Interprétation : Jacques Bonnaffé
› Image : Nicolas Éveilleau, Pierre-Yves Boisramé
› Montage image : Charlotte Pouyaud
› Étalonnage : Baptiste Évrard
› Montage son : Martin Delzescaux
› Assistant montage son : Daniil Zaporozhskiy, Denis Dedieu, Tristan Chossat
› Bruitage : Christophe Burdet
› Mixage : Geoffrey Durcak
› Scénario : Charlotte Pouyaud, Christophe Pellet, Denis Dedieu