Lou Chenivesse

Les Gisantes - Film - 20min - 2023

presented as part of the exhibition Panorama 25


Gésir : to find oneself buried, locked up in something.

Descended from a line of cursed women, all reduced to being mothers, condemned to losing their children and dying young, Lou performs a magical act to ward off her fate.

Like Orpheus descending into the world of the dead, she slips into the skin of the grandmother she never met to perform the tragedy that led to her death. To prevent the spectre from clinging to her, she then offers it an eternal body, a recumbent effigy.

Lou Chenivesse

Watch the portrait

Lou Chenivesse is a visual artist, director and set designer. Born in 1994, she grew up in Egypt, Syria and France. In 2019, she graduated from the Beaux-Arts in Nantes and joined the Poush-Manifesto workshops in Paris. She entered Le Fresnoy – Studio national des arts contemporains in 2022. Articulated through films, immersive installations, photographs and writing, her practice seeks to highlight the ob-scene, what is out of sight, the invisible world. Ghosts are a recurring subject in her work.


Le Fresnoy - Studio national des arts contemporains, Tourcoing


› Scénario, interprétation, montage son : Lou Chenivesse
› Image : Arnaud Alberola
› Montage image : Lou Chenivesse, Maxence Tasserit
› Son : Gauthier Cauvin
› Mixage : Yannick Delmaire
› Accompagnement artistique : Patric Chiha