Norman Nedellec

Le Colloque des Chiens - Film - 22min - 2023

presented as part of the exhibition Panorama 25


Touched by the grace of speech, two dogs philosophise in the trunk of a car parked on a hospital forecourt at night. Together, they paint a bleak picture of a humanity prone to great calamity, crumbling our all-too-human certainties in the process.

Freely adapted from the eponymous short story by Cervantes The Dialogue of the Dogs, written in 1613.

Norman Nedellec

Born in 1994, Norman Nedellec is an artist and filmmaker. His work is situated on the cusp of visual arts and cinema, where his peasant origins lie dormant as a starting point. Through this particular dialogue with the non-human, his productions are based on the construction of a landscape that is at once documentary, intimate tale and fable. He has shown his films and videos and exhibited his work at Vidéodrome2, Centre d'Art du Creux de l'Enfer, Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, Vidéochroniques, etc.


Le Fresnoy - Studio national des arts contemporains, Tourcoing


› Scénario : Norman Nedellec
› Voix : Gabriel Dufay, Pascal Rénéric
› Image : Aurore Toulon, Norman Nedellec
› Montage image : Laura Rius Aran, Norman Nedellec
› Son : Anaïs Cabandé, Norman Nedellec
› Montage son : Julien Hô-Kim
› Mixage : Christophe Grémiot
› Musique : François Marcelly-Fernandez
› Étalonnage : Aurore Toulon
› Accompagnement artistique : Guy Cassiers