Lea Collet
Be My Eyes - Film - 22min - 2022
presented as part of the exhibition Panorama 24

My dad will try
There will be flowers in the eyes
To flowers in the eyes
Deer flowers
Brother sister
It's walking around, suffering, dancing
An irreducible combination of the three
Starting from a movement
Repetition, acceleration
Flat headlamp
It is not clear where they come from
What is their purpose
For 3 days
A sort of ritual for my father's glaucoma.
The movements are fast, how do they reflect
So as to build a language of rhythm.
Let's put on each other's glasses.
Fog that pulls towards the white
taking its time and that settles further and further
Found at dawn and dusk
Drawing the real image towards the dawn
and this white is not
to go back in time
from the future into the present
With some techno music
And potentially end on a blank.
Text by Rosanna Puyol, 2022
Lea Collet
Born in Lyon (1989), Lea Collet lives and works between Roubaix, Aulnay-sous-bois and London. Her practice oscillates between film, performance, installation, video and research. She works in institutional, self-organised and educational contexts. She introduces landscapes and subjects that investigate social relations and augmented affects experienced in and through digital mediation and technological collaboration. She is also a gardening enthusiast interested in the links between botany and technology. She studied for the ArTeC+ -inter-university degree in Paris (DIU) and at the Slade School of Fine art and Camberwell College of Arts in London. Her work has been presented at the Côté Court festival (Paris, 2023), Camden Arts Centre (London, 2022), Manifesta 13, Les Parallèles du Sud, Coco Velten (Marseille, 2021), Espacio Odeon (Bogota, 2020), Weekend (Athens, 2020), Gossamer Fog & Assembly Point (London, 2019).
› Interprétation : Aoued Belhadj, Dounia Jauneaud, Estelle Jauneaud, Farmata Drame, Florian Alphonse, Gilles Collet, Harry Bix, Helio Pu, Ilana Kahn, Kim Boutin, Lucile Gauchet, Mia Rafolo, Minh Boutin, Nicolas Giot, Rosanna Puyol, Victor Becard, Youssif Abdelrahman
› Image : Arnaud Alberola, Jean Guillaud
› Montage image : Helio Pu
› Effets spéciaux, musique originale : Minh Boutin
› Son, montage son : Raphaël Zucconi
› Assistant montage son : Morgane Bello
› Mixage : Martin Delzescaux
› Étalonnage : Chloé Terren
› Accompagnement artistique : Yann Gonzalez & Alain Garcia Vergara