Gohar Martirosyan

Identity - Installation - 2022

presented as part of the exhibition Panorama 24

VR Film Identity is based on the concept of personal wholeness and exploring the issue of disunity within ourselves. The 360° experience aims to conceptually place the viewer at the dizzying peak of the hypothetical "self", that is considered as a module of an internal society; containing collisions, dominant positions, balance and chaos . The core of film narration is the intention to establish a self-dialogue within ourselves, and as a result with external society.

The storytelling is based on cross lines between the autobiography of the performer Sacha Eusebe and the novel by Anaïs Nin The Diary, Vol. 1 : "I have always been tormented by the image of multiplicity of selves. Some days I call it richness, and other days I see it as a disease [...]. My first concept about people around me was that all of them were coordinated into a whole, whereas I was made up of a multitude of selves, of fragments".

Gohar Martirosyan

Gohar Martirosyan is Paris based Armenian film director and digital artist with background in fine arts, performance & site-specific installation. Last year finishing her 55min film Unlearning in frame of Panorama 23 at Le Fresnoy. Co-founder and creative director of Munich based Gurban Art Platform & Ground Art Fest.
Gohar is permanent resident of Gallery 25 in Gyumri, under the support of the Honorary Consul of the Federal Republic of Germany. Her artistic study is granted by Fondation Philippossian & Pilossian in Geneva.


Le Fresnoy - Studio national des arts contemporains, Tourcoing