Guillaume Delsert
Les nimbes - Film - 12min - 2021
presented as part of the exhibition Panorama 23

A threshold opens somewhere within. To the rhythm of deep respiration, two personal spaces come alive, come close to each other.
The image of an eye comes awake, new. A navel with no eyelid, the being moves forward and reaches out by its gaze.
The images of a garden swells by its breath. Inside runs lively, fugacious youth, girl and boy, caught in the embrace of the gaze.
Even before it is perceived by an outside animal, human or divine eye, there is within us, conjugated in every tense, the inexorable self-perception in which our own advancing creature is always swathed. Les Nimbes, these lights that both halo and rule, open the impossible angle/reverse angle of this performative gaze.
Guillaume Delsert
Born in 1991 somewhere between the monocultures of Seine-et-Marne and the Parisian macadam, Guillaume Delsert has since ventured to take a few steps as a video observer in various outposts of these two hemispheres. Nestled in these few edges of anthropocene his projects work to restore the limit experience of speculative subjectivities. Having come to fiction with his previous short film Les Nimbes after various projects of documentary approach, his approach is built in the crossed unknown of a long station in-situ and a poetic digging of the bias of observation.
› Mise en scène : Anaïs Le Berre
› Animation : Quentin Jolivet
› Image : Fanny Boutonné, Valérian Galy
› Machinerie : Maxime Le Gros
› Lumière : Apolline Genevey, Quentin Jolivet, Raphaëlle Petit-Gille
› Son : Clément Tijou, Titouan Dumesnil
› Décoration : Auguste Diaz, Claire Brancotte
› Costume : Belza Beausoleil
› Montage image : Carla Biays
› Montage son : Titouan Dumesnil
› Étalonnage : Fanny Mazoyer
› Mixage : Lucien Richardson
› Effets spéciaux : Frédéric Serpantié
› Accompagnement artistique : Athiná-Rachél Tsangári