Céleste Rogosin
Quartz - Installation - 2020
presented as part of the exhibition Panorama 22
Somewhere between filmed performance, fictional film and plastic experiments, Quartz follows young adolescents messing about and drifting in an underground that evokes cave art. Through their body, their gestures and their connection to their mobile phone, their desire to produce and make images is reflected, thus questioning, in a metaphorical way, the discovery of the Image by the first men.
Having grown out of an experiment carried out in collaboration with adolescents in Hauts-de-France, who are therefore non professional actors, and shot in places that are sometimes out of bounds to the public, the film oscillates between a deliberate realism and a feeling of unreality.
Like the increasingly composite underground, the music evolves as they progress and appears as a distant echo that draws the characters into the depths. Based on a Euclidean system reminiscent of the resonant frequencies of quartz, halfway between analog and digital, the soundtrack gives the film its temporality while the senses are disturbed.
Shot just before the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, the film anticipates the ordeal of lockdown imposed on the global population, and presents individuals who are struggling, showing resilience. How can union and community be maintained through the ordeal ?
Céleste Rogosin
Born in Paris in 1989, Céleste Rogosin Lives and works between Paris and Tourcoing. Trained as dancer at the conservatoire in Angers, then at the Laboratoire de Formation au Théâtre Physique (Paris), and in visual arts at Le Fresnoy, Rogosin hybridises the experience of bodies with that of the visual arts in installations, performances, objects and films.
› Réalisation, montage image : Céleste Rogosin
› Assistant réalisation : Lou Skornicki
› Assistant mise en scène : Fanny Mougel
› Chef opérateur : Alan Guichaoua
› Assistant caméra : Thibault Pastierik
› Ingénieur du son : Clément Decaudin
› Assistant ingénieur du son : Arthur Brouard
› Électricité : David Mauqui
› Régie : M. Rogosin, Mme Rivault
› Assistant de régie : Julie Deweerdt
› Musique originale : Isaac
› Montage son : Yannick Delmaire
› Assistant montage : Charly Caure
› Étalonnage : Baptiste Évrard
› Mixage : Rémi Mencucci
Magali Nicolaï et Guy Evrard, Domaine des Grottes de Han, Mathieu Dautricourt, La Maison de l'Eau, de la Pêche & de la Nature, Eric Blondeau, Théâtre de la Virgule, Mathieu Lecoutre et Olivier Desse de l'Opéra de Lille, Aline Lemiere, DIRECTION TERRITORIALE DE PREVENTION ET D'ACTION SOCIALE DE METROPOLE ROUBAIX TOURCOING, Olivier Moyon, DIRECCTE Unité Départementale Nord-Lille, Michel Dubois, Valérie Jouve, Aude Leduc, Mme Rivault & M. Rogosin, Sylvain Couzinet-Jacques, M. & Mme Cousin, Cindy Coutant, Kévin Grain, Marie Russo, Samba Sissoko & Street’s light, la MJC du Virolois ainsi que toute l'équipe du Fresnoy.