Vera Hector
Béton des anges - Film - 25min - 2020
presented as part of the exhibition Panorama 22

On the edge of the world, where love and time are dead, I thought I saw angels.
To these figures to which I gave my heart, I wanted to dedicate a musical drama. A modern melodrama in which the violins are replaced by machines and in which lyricism doggedly haunts the bare décor. It’s all about finding a rhythm despite the sonorised vulgarity that they call life.
Vera Hector
Vera Hector makes films that combine narrative and experimental cinema, influenced mainly by montage cinema and electronic music. Since deep feelings do not make clear distinctions between sublime and trivial supports, she creates a form of writing out of mixed genres and media. She films in order to recapture the babbling of language in order to be, as Elysia Crampton puts it, “always the child of something.”
› Assistant réalisation : Mario Valero Palacín
› Image : Juliette Barrat
› Électricité : Marie Gramond
› Décoration : Sarah Schneider
› Musique originale : Alexandra Norelli
› Musique : Fierro Ex Machina
› Mixage : Arno Ledoux