Mélia Roger

Promotion Vera Molnár


Mélia Roger

Née en 1996 à Villeurbanne (France)

Artist and sound engineer Mélia Roger was born in 1996 in France. Engaged in practical work, she divides her time between immersive sound libraries for Atmos films and a more intimate and experimental relationship with sound recording. Passionate about ethology and tracking, she devotes her listening to non-human entities and empathic relationships with the living. After a technical course at the ENS Louis-Lumière, then a transdisciplinary course at the ZHdK, she is now at Le Fresnoy – Studio national des arts contemporains to work on a doctoral thesis on the relationship between sound art and acoustic ecology (research/creation), in partnership with the University of Lille. Winner of the Phonurgia Nova Awards (2021) and the Sound of the Year Award (2023), she has been published on the Presque Tout, Biodiversità Recordsand Fonns of Minutiaelabels and has exhibited in Paris (France), Geneva (Switzerland), Zurich (Switzerland), Namur (Belgium), Berlin (Germany) and Serrinha do Alambari (Brazil).


Panorama 26 / Toute ressemblance avec la réalité n'est pas une pure coïncidence

Tendre Phonocène

Installation, 2024