Nicola Baratto

Promotion Vera Molnár


Nicola Baratto

Né en 1989 à Montebelluna (TV) (Italy)

Nicola Baratto (IT, 1989) is a multidisciplinary artist living and working between Amsterdam and Lille. Working with film, video, sculpture and installation, Nicola’s practice develops through research on dreaming, poetry, memory and historical imagination. He is half of the artist duo Baratto & Mouravas, whose Archaeodreaming method explores the overlaps between archaeological research and mythmaking. Nicola is an alumni of the Dirty Art Department and former research fellow of the Sandberg Instituut. He received international grants such as the Mondriaan fund (NL) and the ‘Italian Council’ of the Italian Ministry of Culture. Recent shows include A Rave Down Below, Eleusis European Capital of Culture, Elefsina GR; 2012 Never Happened, In Debt, Amsterdam NL; Prospects and Concepts, Art Rotterdam, Rotterdam NL.


Panorama 26 / Toute ressemblance avec la réalité n'est pas une pure coïncidence

Dew Point

Film, 15min, 2024