Lou Chenivesse

Promotion Claude Lévi-Strauss


Lou Chenivesse

Née en 1994 à Paris (France)

Lou Chenivesse is a visual artist, director and set designer. Born in 1994, she grew up in Egypt, Syria and France. In 2019, she graduated from the Beaux-Arts in Nantes and joined the Poush-Manifesto workshops in Paris. She entered Le Fresnoy – Studio national des arts contemporains in 2022. Articulated through films, immersive installations, photographs and writing, her practice seeks to highlight the ob-scene, what is out of sight, the invisible world. Ghosts are a recurring subject in her work.


Panorama 26 / Toute ressemblance avec la réalité n'est pas une pure coïncidence

Le Temps suspendu

Film, 18min, 2024