Julia Tarissan

Promotion Marguerite Duras


Julia Tarissan

Née en 1995 à Tarbes (France)

Born in 1995 in Oursbelille, a village in the Hautes-Pyrénées, Julia Tarissan lives and works in Paris. She is a graduate of the École nationale supérieure d'arts de Paris-Cergy and is studying at Le Fresnoy - Studio national des arts contemporains. Julia is developing a self-taught practice of film-making in which she mixes mediums, bringing her work to life through a dense aesthetic. The adventures of naïve characters are a medium for addressing the themes of everyday life with a sense of absurdity and fatality. In her screenwriting she focuses on the development of fantastic stories inspired by current social realities where complex and marginal characters come to life in a deliberately disturbing atmosphere.

In 2022, she directed the short film ST4R, presented at the DOC (Paris) and at the Sacho festival ; in 2018, the short film Papa Nos Dijo, produced by Landia in Buenos Aires, was selected for the "Si Cinéma" festival in Caen. Tarissan also makes music videos and has won four CNC pre-production grants for "Video-music" projects (Timothée Joly, Lachinos, Cate Hortl, Miel de Montagne). In 2019 she made a video clip for the musical group Feu ! Chatterton, together with Sophie Calle, as well as a cartoon for older children for Sandra Loves Guns, which won an award at the MINT Festival.