Fredj Moussa

Promotion Marguerite Duras


Fredj Moussa

Né en 1992 à Paris (France)

Fredj Moussa (born in 1992 in Paris) lives and works between France and Tunisia. He graduated from the École nationale supérieure des Arts Décoratifs in Paris in 2018. Fredj Moussa resided at the Cité internationale des arts in Paris in 2019 and studied at Le Fresnoy - Studio national des arts contemporains from 2021 to 2023.

Fredj Moussa's work consists of films and steel structures, with an uncertain status, blurring the lines between sculpture and cinematographic presentation devices.

He has exhibited his work at Nuit Blanche in Paris (FRA), Loop Fair Barcelona (ESP), Tiger Strikes Asteroid Philadelphia (USA), Izmir Mediterranean Biennial (TUR), Cabane B (CHE), and Les Brasseurs (BEL), among others. Fredj Moussa's films have been selected for international festivals, including the Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival (CZE).

He was a finalist for the Studio Collector Award at the Festival Photo Days at the MEP in Paris in 2022. Fredj Moussa received the CIFRA Prize at Loop Fair Barcelona in 2023.