Visiting artist professor
2016 - 2017
Yannick Haenel
Born in 1987 in Rennes (France)
Teacher (agrégé) of Lettres Modernes (on leave).
Founder and co-editor with François Meyronnis of the literary journal Ligne de risqué (since 1997)
Associate author at the Centre Dramatique National d'Orléans
Chronicler at Charlie Hebdo.
Former resident in literature of the Villa Medici (Sept. 2008--Sept. 2009)
Plays in No comment (sur Film socialisme) by André S. Labarthe (2011)
Took part in the exhibition Dépenses (Georges Bataille and contemporary art) at LaBanque de Béthune (October 2016--February 2017)
Wrote the narrative of La Nuit Blanche on 1 October 2016: Le retour des temps désirables.