Artiste-professeur invité


David Link

Né en 1971 à Düsseldorf (Germany)

David Link lives and works in Köln.

Exhibitions : "Charleroi Danses", Les Tanneurs, Brussels 1998 ; "Synworld", Public Netbase t0, Museumsquartier Wien 1999 ; "Wiretap 5.10", V2-Organisatie, Rotterdam 1999 ; "Red-Right-Wrong", Royal Flemish Theatre, De Bottelarij, Brussels 2000 ; "Interface5", Kunstverein Hamburg 2000 ; "Im Buchstabenfeld - The Future of Literature", Neue Galerie, Graz 2001 ; "Typologie", Center for Art and Media Technology (ZKM), Karlsruhe 2002 ; "Artgenda", Hamburg 2002 ; "Deaf03 - Data Knitting", V2-Organisatie, Rotterdam 2003 ; "Belluard Bollwerk International", Fribourg, Switzerland 2003.

In collaboration with Peter Weibel, director of the ZKM (Zentrum für Kunst und Medien Technologie, Karlsruhe), Le Fresnoy invites artist, writer, and programmer David Link during the season 2004-2005. A writer of text generating software since 1997, David Link will work on CHORUS, a new project for an installation in a public place.